Despite the Caribbean being known historically for its beautiful fruits and food, nutrition in the Caribbean is at an all-time low following decades of increasing reliance on processed foods from North America.
Above all, CAAHFI wants its Caribbean people to be healthy. Without a healthy body, one cannot maintain a healthy mind, spirit, and wider culture. Decades ago, the Caribbean was known for having some of the freshest food on the planet, a reality that though still existing in areas, is no longer omnipresent.
Increasing imports of processed foods such as chips, sodas, and fast food into the Caribbean has contributed to increasing rates of medical conditions such as diabetes and hypertension across Caribbean countries. For this reason, CAAHFI supports a variety of intiatives designed to bring the Caribbean back to its own healthy, tropical roots of growing and selling fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, meats, and more.
Decades ago, the Caribbean was known for having some of the freshest food on the planet, a reality that though still existing in areas, is no longer omnipresent.
CAAHFI Initiatives for a Healthy Caribbean